Thursday, November 5, 2009


A couple weeks ago we decided to take the kids to the Shriner Circus again this year. We went last year an they enjoyed it. This year was a bit different, to say the least! This year it was only me an Paula(Nana), Joel was working an so was Pawpaw Carlos. So we get there a little before it starts. As soon as it starts they start playing music an talking. Landon starts to cry I am like okay maybe its just the music is to loud for him. So they start bringing out animals an such an he is still sort of crying an holding on to my neck for dear life. So he doesnt stop crying so Paula decides to take him down stairs an go buy a light up thing they are selling maybe that would help. Addi loved watching everything an the music. Anything with music or dancing she loves. So me an her stayed up an watched the circus while Landon walked around downstairs for a bit.
They have an intermission where they bring out the elephants an ponies an another animal but I cant think what it was to ride. An we figured we would be at the ponies again this year like last but this year they wanted to ride the elephants an of course they cant ride them by themselves. I was brave enough to volunteer twice! Boy was that fun. Due to having to ride an everything I didnt take any pics. But Addi was very upset when the elephants had to go backstage. We tried to again to watch at our seats, but the noise bothered Landon again so they headed back down stairs. It wasnt long before Addi was done to. But all an all it was alot of fun for them. They love animals so anytime they can see them we try an do it!