Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Swing Set.....

This past weekend Nana (Joels mom) went garage saling in Flower Mound and found a awesome swing set for the kids not to big so we don't have any injuries yet anyways! She bought it on Saturday and we had to go pick it up. Joel called her Sunday morning so we drove out there to pick it up. When we got there we thought it would be already broken down but it wasnt. But that was no biggie. Joel was thrilled bout putting it back together lol. It had been under a tree and had a bit of sap on it so when we got it home Joel washed it off and started putting it together while I fed them lunch.

Well as soon as they looked out the window and saw something new out there, they wanted to go outside. All I could hear was Landon saying "outsid" over and over. When he got the little play area all together Joel said let them come outside so I did and they loved it.

Then he got the swing part together it came with little seats that they could sit on when they got bigger but it was also cool that we could put their baby swings(not really baby) but you know what I mean on there to for the time being. The loved that part. Well their little faces were starting to get red so Joel got the pool out and decided to let them go swimming to. But to my suprise he put the pool part under one of the slides.

Addi thought that was the coolest thing ever. She would go down get out and do it again she did that forever. Landon was a little bit of a chicken when it came to that he would slide down when the pool wasnt there but once Joel put the pool he said no way.

He would freely push sister down. But would not dare do it himself. Little stinker.... All in all they love it. Thanks Nana!!!!!

Friday, August 29, 2008

At the Table

The kids have discovered how to get up onto the kitchen table chairs. An they love to sit there an eat. The want forks and spoons now when they eat. They are growing up to darn fast. Turning into little people not babies. Now it turns into a struggle to get them to stay at the table an eat. But maybe that will come with time as they learn. So we have started doing snacks at the table till we get a hang of it and I get some kid placemats lol.....

My Little Longhorn

We are pretty much Longhorn fans around this house. An my dad is a die hard Longhorn fan. So needless to say hopefully Landon and Addi will be too. But I took these pics for my dad cause he bought Landon a shirt and Addi a dress. Addi hasnt worn the dress its a little big right now but should fit in the fall which is good. So to kick off the season I thought I would do a post with my little longhorn!

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Landon has now figured out that he can go off the fireplace with out crawling down. He not so much jumps off but will just walk off an he thinks its the funnist thing.
At first he kept doing it and I was in front of him telling him no your going to hurt yourself. But he kept doing it. So I put the couch cusions on the floor in front of the fireplace. An then he thought it was even more fun! I was like shoot. Maybe when he wakes up form his nap he wont remember! I doubt it, but I can hope..........

An here are a few of the other kids, they finally could get up on the couch once I took off the cushions. It was cute!

Monday, August 18, 2008

The Park!

We decided to take the kids to the park yesterday it was cooler outside and just something to do. They seemed as if they were going stir crazy in the house. So Joel wanted to take them to a park by the lake. He thought it was a wooded playground, but they have apparently tore that down and put new equipment in. All the same a park is a park and the kids loved it

Addi dashes off for anything she can climb. An Landon he takes his sweet time and takes in his surroundings, an watches the big kids play! My little adventurer goes chasing after some kids that are bout to go down a big slide. I told Joel you better watch her.She watched the kids go down the slide and then she decides well I am going to go down the slide to. I was goin crazy telling Joel to watch her. She did and it scared her a little bit she layed down on her back and went down. We started laughing because this girl is not afraid of anything! An Land he just walks around watching the other kids. Or if he seems something he wants to do he takes his time getting up there.

But they both seem to have fun.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Been to Long!

I havnet been updating this much, been a little busy! The kids have been doing some very cute things. Their new thing is to give kisses they love giving kisses. You will say give me a kiss and they will lean in muah. Its so darn cute. But I have yet to get pictures of it. So that kinda stinks but I am still trying. They have figured out how to get up on to the kitchen table chairs. An stand and lean on the table. I need to find something more than likely bungee cords to hold the chairs in. They get so mad when they are not able to get what they want. They stomp their feet, throw themselves on the floor. A typical toddler tantrum I suppose. Its cute sometimes the way they get when they are upset. I have to turn away.

I never knew two kids could make me as happy as these two do. Even the worst of days they make me smile and make me thankful for what I have. :).

Here are a couple pics, of when Joel got me flowers. They were helping him arrange them in the vase! Too cute

Monday, July 14, 2008

A fish & a climber

My little man has become quite the fish here lately and my little princess has become a climber. Landon has started to love the water and goes to the back door an says "pool" everyday! I wish I could take him out everyday. This has not always been the case, a couple weeks ago he didnt like the water and you had to hold him everytime he got in the pool. An this is a baby pool mind you. So I dont get much in to even help him, but he insists. An we just took his bath seat out of the bathtub and he was afraid to sit in the tub. He would just stand and hold on to the side of the tub to play with the bath toys. Now he sits freely in the bathtub moves all around like a wild man an in the pool he lays on his tummy and holds on to the side I asked Joel where did this come from he said " i have no idea but its funny."

An then my little climber she doesnt say many words but she sure can climb, on the couch, the barstools, her play kitchen on the end table. Pretty much everywhere. Except climbing out of the crib, (knock on wood wont be for awhile). It is funny trying to watch her get on something and she is having trouble. An I can tell her til I am blue in the face to get down and she just looks at me and just moves her head back and fourth. Its funny but its not. So I just get her down and tell her no no, maybe one day she will understand!!

An I have always known my twins were very different, like night and day. But really they truely are and its funny to think sometimes that they are twins. They dont look alike, dont act alike, dont eat alike nothing its just crazy to think sometimes.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Kisses & Hugs

They have both learned now to give Kisses and Hugs! I have waited for this since they were born. Its so rewarding when you say give me a kiss they come up to you and give you a kiss. An when you open your arms and say give me a hug they come running to you to give you a hug. I love it!!!!!!! Their is nothing more special than them doing that. I love those two with every inch of me!

4th of July Weekend

The kids were in the parade this past weekend with my moms of multiples club. I decorated their wagon and to pull them in the parade. We planned it to where I got their early to help with our float which was already finished and looked good, so I just tried to secure most of my decorations while I waited for the kids. The kids got their right before we started walking for our turn, so that was a good one! Nana (Joel's mom) and Pawpaw (my dad) to came along to be a part of their first parade. They seemed to love everybody looking at them, esp Landon he would wave and just smile such a little star. Addi was more worried bout pulling of the decorations mom workedin charge of parades for our club. Yippee!

After the parade I thought the kids would be pooped out and be sleeping 5 mins into the car ride. Boy was I wrong! They were more hungry and thirsty than anything. I stopped to get them something to eat so they wouldnt have to wait longer for me to cook them something when I got home. They ate most of their lunch in the car cause they were so hungry. We got home finished eating then they played for like 2 hrs just running around going crazy! I thought wow, somedays I wish I had their energy. They finally started getting fussy so I put them down. They only took bout a 2 hr nap. Which was very suprising. Then we had to get ready to go over to my mom's friends house to have a cookout and swim with family that had come in town for my sister's wedding. That was an adventure. Addi loved the water Landon not so much he wanted to be held not put in a floaty. An then we would get them out of the pool and they would run straight to the pool. Boy was I a wreck. Trying to keep two from falling in. They were starting to get cranky, I was hoping they would make it so that we could stay and watch the fireworks. I was wrong. They were very tired, but I dont blame them they had a rough day! So we started home and the fireworks started we could see them everywhere Landon was like WOOO. Addi not so sure. I pulled over so they could actually enjoy them for a minute. We saw them from Joe Pool Lake, The Baseball Fields by our house, everywhere. We got home and by the time we got home we pulled them in the backyard and we all 4 watched the finally at the baseball field on our swing it was so cute! :) I wished I could have had a pic.
The next day was a very busy day! It was my sister's wedding and I had to get both kids packed Landon was going with Joel's dad an step mom to stay the night and Addi was going to Nana's to stay. This was the first time I didnt have at least one home with me. It was a little heart wrenching at first but I had the wedding and it would have been hard for Joel to watch both of them during the wedding. With me in it. An my parents in the front row, not many to help with two. So after the wedding we had a nice evening to ourselves.

All in all this was a great Fourth of July. The kids enjoyed the parade and the fireworks. Cant wait til next year where they will enjoy it even more!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008


We didnt do much this weekend. Saturday we took the kids outside to play in the pool and sprinkler. This was the first time we had put the sprinkler on and let them play. Addi loved the sprinkler, Landon not so much esp. in his face. He is not big on water in the face. But they had a blast playing outside. An we had a blast playing with them, even daddy got out and enjoyed it. Oh, before we went outside Joel filled up the pool and if they wanted to play in it they could, and Addis new deal is to get in the water with her clothes on. She thinks that is just the coolest thing. The pool seems to be come a grass pool bc they get in/get out. They cant make up their minds what they wanted to do.

Saturday night Nana (my mil) came over to watch the kids while me and Joel went to dinner for our 2nd anniversary that was last week. While we were out it was prob. 10 or so we get a call and say they arent wanting to go to bed. We come home and they are both just sitting in Nana's lap just rocking. We let them play a little while. Then its off to bed an they went right to sleep. They were just waiting on mommy and daddy to come home before they went to sleep. They do that ever now and then.

Sunday, the hung out with Daddy cause I had to go to my sis's wedding shower. They went to the park for a family reunion. They seemed to have a fun there and then went back over to his grandparents and played a little bit. They love going over to see their great grandparents! After they came home an took a long nap. Daddy just wears them out.

So it was a nice relaxing weekend. Fun in the water and a trip to the park. They couldnt ask for anything more.

Friday, June 20, 2008

First Blog Ever....

I have decided to start blogging due to I read everybody else's blog, I might as well start one of my own. An its also a good way to keep track of all the milestones the kids have done, so maybe one day they will look back and read this. We dont lead a very exciting life, but its a way to keep family and friends informed in our daily lives. I love my life with twins and wouldn't ask for anything else. So enjoy!